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Our Commitment to Our Students and Families

Administrators, teachers and instructional staff at Botelle Elementary School believe that in partnership with our families, children and the Norfolk community, we can continue to provide a high quality educational experience for our students through distance learning. Open communication, flexibility, perseverance and a little humor are essential in achieving this goal. At the core of instruction, be it traditional or online, is the relationships between students and their teachers and peers. We will use a variety of digital formats to nurture those relationships while at the same time, engaging our students in new learning. We can’t wait to open our school doors, but in the meantime we are grateful to have the opportunity to teach your children from afar. 

Distance Learning Implementation Plan

In accordance with Title III of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) of 2010, Botelle Elementary School is taking steps to ensure that its website, is accessible and compliant with the standards as set forth by the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0 AA). NWR7 is continually working to ensure equal digital access to all members of the community. If you have any questions or concerns with the content or accessibility of the site,, please contact us at Thank you.


Lauren Valentino, Principal

128 Greenwoods Road East

Norfolk, CT  06058

Tel: 860-542-5286

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