Norfolk, Connecticut
• a small school with a BIG heart
2024 Connecticut Dept of Education
School of Distinction
What academic enrichment opportunities are available to my child?
All Botelle students have opportunities to participate in academically challenging learning experiences that help them develop curiosity, identify their interests, and be self-directed.
Enrichment Clusters
Enrichment Clusters are a learning opportunity where a multi-age group of students with the same interest acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to solve a real-world problem or issue (i.e. climate change, school grounds restoration…). Students follow a cycle of inquiry and learn to develop meaningful questions, determine topics and subtopics, research, make connections, revise and reflect and “publish” new learning. In this investigative-type of learning, students assume the roles of practicing professionals (i.e. writers, artists, engineers, environmentalist, gardener…) under the guidance of a facilitator of the cluster. Clusters run for 6-10 weeks and are scheduled once a week for 60 minutes.
Geography Bee
The National Geographic GeoBee is an annual competition designed to inspire and reward students' curiosity about the world. Students in grades 4-6 receive study materials to answer a range of questions covering geography, civilizations, cultures, physical features. Three finalists from each grade are determined through round robin questioning. The nine finalists participate in the school competition and answer a series of questions that increase in difficulty until a school champion is determined. This student participates in the state competition by first taking a computerized test. If the student scores high enough, he/she then is eligible to compete at the state GeoBee. For more information click here.
Invention Convention
The mission of the Connecticut Invention Convention is to provide students with opportunities to develop critical-thinking and creative problem-solving skills through invention and innovation, instilling the spirit of ingenuity in students today and for the rest of their lives. Students in the intermediate grades participate in activities which naturally highlights the NGSS science and engineering practices through the process of invention and innovation. Teachers conduct “local” invention conventions at their schools. Through the school’s judging process, student inventors are identified and registered to move on to participate at the Connecticut Invention Convention Annual State Final event, scheduled at the end of April/beginning of May. For more information click here.
Kids Lit Quiz
The Kids' Lit Quiz is an annual literature quiz for children who love to read. Students in grades 5 and 6 can participate on a team of four and answer 100 questions on children’s literature divided into ten categories, which vary each year. Examples of previous categories include poetry, authors, titles, settings, characters, and nursery rhymes. The quiz acts as an incentive for a school’s prolific readers to extend their reading and to broaden their literary knowledge. It also encourages the more reluctant reader to enjoy books. Students prepare for the quiz by reading widely from a range of genres. Quizzes are held in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Indonesia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand, United Kingdom and USA. The winning team from each heat competes in a National Final. National champions compete in the World Final. For more information click here.
Math Olympiads
Math Olympiads is an enriching classroom activity for students in grades 4-6 that strengthens problem-solving skills. Students participate in five “contests” in November through March. Each contest consists of five nonroutine problems and has a time limit of 30 minutes. Every problem requires careful mathematical thinking. Each student, working alone, scores 1 point for each correct answer. Thus, a student may score up to 25 points per year. Calculators are not permitted. The goals of Math Olympiads are:
To stimulate enthusiasm and a love for Mathematics
To introduce important Mathematical concepts
To teach major strategies for problem solving
To develop Mathematical flexibility in solving problems
To strengthen Mathematical intuition
To foster Mathematical creativity and ingenuity
To provide for the satisfaction, joy, and thrill of meeting challenges.
For more information click here.
Norfolk After School Program (NASP)
The Botelle PTO runs an after school enrichment program, NASP. Students can participate in classes that are held once a week and last 4-6 weeks. Topics for classes vary by session but typically expose students to world languages, the visual arts, music, sports, cooking, crafts and drama. Classes are offered for primary aged and intermediate aged students. For more information email